It feels bleak. But it also looks pretty.
And some days, I just want to look at pretty things. And that’s ok.
Some days, I just want to watch cute dog videos. Like all day. And that’s ok. #GoldenRetrieversofInstagram
Some days, I just want to read and escape. And that’s ok.
And some days, I just have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing.
Know what I mean? Do you ever feel that way too?
Those are the days when I try to tell myself something is better than nothing at all. ANYTHING is better than nothing.
And not necessarily because that something, that anything, needs to get done. But because I need to feel in control. I need to feel that I still have a choice.
So, today, even though I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing right now, I'm going to take some meat out for dinner so that I know our family will have some protein, which I know is good for our bodies. We might have boxed macaroni and cheese…. And that’s ok.
I'm going to order from my favourite Vietnamese restaurant for lunch, because I didn't feel like making my own lunch… and that’s ok…
I'm going to have a semblance of a workout in my garage, even though motivation is low… and that’s ok… because I know I always feel better after moving.
Even though some days I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing, I feel good that I'm choosing to do something. Because I can. And that’s ok.
